Using Policyfile

Knife-Zero supports Policyfile.



If you are using a Policyfile at Knife-Zero, select the usage from the following two.

Case: Use chef export.

Add the following to knife.rb.

use_policyfile true
versioned_cookbooks true
policy_document_native_api false


First, reflect the contents of the Policyfile to Chef-Repo.

Notice: Executing chef export ./ -f empties the. / Chef directory and overwrites it. recommended to put knife.rb and other configs to the project root directory.

  1. Run chef install or chef update to create Policyfile.lock.json.
  2. Run chef export ./ -f to update following directories in your Chef-Repo.
    • cookbooks/
    • data_bags/policyfiles/
    • policies
    • policy_groups


Use --policy-name with zero bootstrap.

$ knife zero bootstrap HOST_NAME --policy-name POLICY_NAME -N NODE_NAME

For example, It’ll add the following to client.rb when passed --policy-name build.

use_policyfile true
versioned_cookbooks true
policy_document_native_api true
policy_name build
policy_group local


There is no change to the zero converge normaly.

$ knife zero converge "QUERY"

You can -n/--named-run-list to use named runlist.

$ knife zero converge "QUERY" -n NAMED_RUNLIST

Tighter Integration

If you want to every time surely apply the update of Policyfile, you can append the following to the knife.rb.

knife[:before_bootstrap] = 'chef update && chef export ./ -f'
knife[:before_converge]  = 'chef update && chef export ./ -f'

Case: Use combination of knife serve and chef push

Add the following to knife.rb.

use_policyfile true
versioned_cookbooks true
policy_document_native_api false
chef_server_url "http://localhost:8889"  # for `chef push`


First, launch a local Chef-Zero. It is necessary only when you manage policies by chef command, such as the chef push or chef show-policy or others.

$ knife serve
Serving files from:
repository at /Users/sawanoboriyu/worktemp/knife-zero_policy
  Multiple versions per cookbook

>> Starting Chef Zero (v4.5.0)...

Open another terminal, then run chef push with specific group name.

$ chef push -c knife.rb mygroup policies/mypolicy.rb

After push, you should terminate knife serve.


Use --policy-name and --policy-group with zero bootstrap.

$ knife zero bootstrap HOST_NAME --policy-name POLICY_NAME --policy-group POLICY_GROUP_NAME -N NODE_NAME

For example, It’ll add the following to client.rb when passed --policy-name mypolicy and --policy-group mygroup.

use_policyfile true
versioned_cookbooks true
policy_document_native_api true
policy_name mypolicy
policy_group mygroup


There is no change to the zero converge normaly.

$ knife zero converge "QUERY"

You can -n/--named-run-list to use named runlist.

$ knife zero converge "QUERY" -n NAMED_RUNLIST
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