Use cinc-client instead?

You can use the community build package version of Cinc-Client on remote nodes if you find it difficult to accept the license when you run Chef Infra Client for the first time or every time you upgrade.

This information is as of December 2019.

Cinc-Client is a package that is simply changed default configration directory from/etc/chef to /etc/cinc from chef-client.
chef-client symlinks to cinc-client is also created when install.

Therefore, it can be replaced simply by specifying the path to the configuration file at runtime as shown below.

Or, create symlink from /etc/cinc to /etc/chef` may be works.

When using cinc-client from bootstrap

CINC provides Chef’s omnibus-installer compatible installation script.

Download • CINC

After that, install cinc using zero bootstrap and --alter-project. At the time of replacement, it is safer to do --no-converge.

The following is a sample to bootstrap an Ubuntu 16.04 node.

$ knife zero bootstrap ${YOUR_NODE_IP} \
  --sudo \
  --alter-project cinc \
  -N my-ubuntu16

It’s able to bootstrap without problems.

$ knife node show my-ubuntu16
Node Name:   my-ubuntu16
Environment: _default
FQDN:        ubuntu-xenial
IP:          xx.xx.xx.xx
Run List:    
Platform:    ubuntu 16.04

If you want to make this alter-project configuration permanent in the configuration file (knife.rb or config.rb), you can write as follows.

knife[:alter_project] = 'cinc'

Change the version of cinc-client

The --alter-project option can be used with zero converge as well.

$ knife zero converge 'name:my-ubuntu16' \
  --client-version latest \
  --alter-project cinc \

This can also be omitted if the following is described in config.

knife[:alter_project] = 'cinc'

Replace the node where Chef Infra Client is already running with Cinc

First, remove Chef Infra Client with knife ssh.

$ knife ssh "name:my-ubuntu16" "sudo dpkg -r chef"
(Reading database ... 72883 files and directories currently installed.) Removing chef (15.3.14-1) ...
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